Friday, July 30, 2010


Super Junior.

Goodbye Stage.

No more 'No Other' and 'Bonamana' live on my television.

No more cutiepies that make me go 'aaaw' on watching their live performance.

No more hotties that make me go 'woaaah!' on watching their live performance.

No more men that make me go home in a rush because i dont want to be late watching the shows, even though i know that they will perform last.

:"( Is it wrong if I feel really sad about not seeing them anymore in the stage?

Okay, done with the sad stuffs, Fia. At least SHINee had their comeback. I was like "OMG YES OMG YES!!!" and then i found out about SuJu performing their goodbye stage too, on the very same day of SHINee's comeback. Galau...

Ok kita seneng aja yuk.

Gue lg pgn bgt Bonamana Version C sm Lucifer.
Walopun udh punya Bonamana yg Version A, tetep gue pgn bgt yg Ver C nya T_T
Lucifer itu keren parah ok. Daebak bgt isinya.

Ini beberapa foto-foto dari Lucifer.

Taemin. (He has grown up a lot...)

Onew and Key. Qtpies~

Hi, Jonghyun <3

Hi Minho. (well, there's Key in the bottom right xD)

Gimana? Dewa2 bgt kan?!

Ayo lihat Bonamana Ver C.

fotonya super gede. this is siwon, btw. say hi! :p

ini Donghae. My first bias in Super Junior. hi bb <3
ini Kyu. Hi maknae! u look superb hot! :p

and this is... no other than our Leader, Leeteuk. hi :3

and this is... the 10 of them. I'd like to say the 13 of them, but reality says differently. :(

see? i want those albums so baaaad :Q



apa kabar? hehehe... beberapa hari ini gue lagi seneng paraaah. Tapi terus lgsg down yg bete gitu. seneng, bete, seneng bete. i gotta admit that i have the worst moodswing ever.

udah lgsg aja ya. my 4th Jib is already in my hands now MUAHAHAH. Sebenernya udah lama, tapi gue baru sempet ngepost skrg hehehe let's take a look~


LASKJDALKSJD kan Bonamana gue itu dibawain sm Hani ye. Nyampe sekolah gue lgsg stress garuk2 kepala lgsg fangirl mode on lgsg hyper... untung blm rame sekolah. hoho. ho. ho. ho~

Terus lihat ini jg hihihihihi
hah. that's my bias. photocard. that is my bias on the photocard. MUAH

nah skrg pelajaran. Alhamdulillah gue dapet kelas yg menurut gue asik, IX -G. :D
ada banyak kpopper di IX - G hohoho xp

tapi.... gak semua guru yg ngajar IX - G itu sedewa guru-guru yg ngajar waktu kls 8.
lo hrs tau kls gue kedapetan bu Sri Rep buat Fisika. Pgnnya Bu Adde T_T
lo hrs tau kls gue kedapetan bu Nia buat Biologi. Maunya Bu Rini.
dan wali kelas gue... Mam Wisma. Guru Bhs Inggris lagi. Suka marah2 lagi.

tapi kentang mentah udah di goreng (ZZZ apacoba...) mau gmn lagi? Harus bisa fokus belajar sendiri ini namanya hohoho.

ok gue bakal ngepost 1 entry lagi, enjoy this one ;)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010



sekolah baru aja masuk hari senin kemaren huehehe seru loh. sebelumnya, hari kamis kemaren #smabel32 dan #smabel33 msk dulu gituuu buat nyari kelas + ngambil buku. Tp yg ngambil buku mah php, sampe skrg blm dapet bukunya T_T

ok ok ok skrg gue di kelas........................ 9G.

harusnya 98.

harusnya 9 inter 3.

-__- ok ok jd skrg smabel itu pake alfabet gitu aaa males bgt udh puewue sm angka. Plus, kalo pake angka kan jadi urutan kls gue bagus: 76, 87, 96 T_T

hohohoho jadi kita lari-larian dari lantai 2, turun ke lantai 1 sampe naik lagi ke lantai 2. Gue cari cari kan nama gue di kelas2 koridor lantai 1.... gak ada. Udah p-a-n-i-k gue.
Akhirnya gue ke lantai 2 dan di kelas 98 gue liat nama gue tertera di daftarnya
auououo!!! Jujur gue takut dapet kelas sendirian misah dari temen2... trs alhamdulillah waktu ngeliat daftarnya ketemu sm anak2 #ICX dan #ESVD :D


this is it. HOORAAAAH

penuh perjuangan bgt nentuin warna, logo dll hohoho. Sampe conference uuuuu :3 maaf ya backgroundnya berantakan HEHEHE itu lemari buku gue yg lg gue beresin dan gara2 geregetan sm sweater jdnya terbuang deh~ hoho. Btw ada Al Qurannya gitu. Yes I am a religious kid.

ini belakangnya~

hehehehe!!! bagus gak bagus gaaaak >.<
oiya, special thanks to @rkalski. ini sweater sempet nginep dulu di rumahnya xD thanks a lot rai!

kmrn si raihan baru nyampe sekolah, trs ada siapa gt yg bilang "eh raihan udh di kelas tuh" gue sama nisya spontan lgsg lari ke atas wkwk nisya pake kejedot meja pula... -_- sabar nisya!! yaudah trs kita waktu nyampe klsnya Raihan lgsg menuju ke tumpukkan bungkusan sweater dan gak meduliin Raihannya dulu HAHAHA maaf raaai. Pada bingung mau ukuran apa... lol akhirnya gue M dan alhamdulillah muat. Baru deh yg lain pada blg mksh sm raihan wkwkw

gue suka warnanya, btw. Ungu gelap gt hehe. Font-nya warna ijo stabilo, trs ada kesalahan print, yaitu pake background putih di bagian textnya. Kita sempet mikir bakal jadi jelek, tp ya bubur gakbs jadi nasi lagi, ya yaudah kita terima. Ternyata gak jelek :)

dan warnanya itu kea warna hoodie-nya Justin Bieber yg ungu, tapi lebih tua. Ya kea yg di foto lah. Anak-anak #ESVD yg di 9G kan gue, Astrid, Ghina sm Nisya. Nah kita turun berempat pake sweater, diliatin sama anak-anak kls 7. Berasa Jabbawockeez bgt pake sweater berhudi tebel, tinggal pake topeng putih trs ngedance deh HAHAHA.

Okkkkk segitu aja~ SORRY i got a little too excited >.<>

P.S: Click for better pics

Saturday, July 10, 2010



Yesterday was Friday. And I just noticed something. I AM GOING TO SCHOOL IN 2 DAYS.

I am a 9th Grader this year.

And to think that it's a FACT, I freaked out. I was like "I am not ready to be a 9th Grader. Not now."

And why am i typing this, when I was going to tell you guys about my holiday? Ok then.

So, what did I do this holiday? Let's see here~
(note: click the pics to see better quality)

1) June 26th - 27th, 2010.

I went here. Ujung Genteng, Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi. Isn't the beach beautiful? And SURPRISINGLY, they have LOTS of foreigner surfers. And they were pretty handsome. (This is very out of the line, eh? xD) by the way, i took this picture accidentally.

2) Go Online

Yes, this is a very bad habit of mine. BUT IT'S ADDICTING. Besides, I have nothing else to do. Well... there are lots, but still... There's always something that I do when I go online. And you all know that I've gotten really mad (as in crazy, lol) when it comes to kpop. Especially when my biases are the topic! :p

3) Did my nails

Lol. It's all because of PUTI. Yes... She was the one who brought her nail polishes to school and I became addicted again to coloring my nails :__: Do you see the pinkish color on my nails, btw? keke~

4) This picture pretty much describes it.

You can see my nail polish right there, Super Junior's 3JIB, GoGirl July Edition, my phone and my headsets and also my bangles.

THAT SUPER JUNIOR ALBUM RIGHT THERE, WAS GIVEN BY MY BELOVED BEST ONES. Sinta, Mia, Astrid and Ncum gave me that album. I remembered that I just got into class, and I hadn't put my bag on my table when suddenly Ncum came in, searched something in her bag and she suddenly came up to me and gave me that album. Thank you guys. I heart you.

Bangles. Yes, I am a sucker for accessories. Lol, what can i say more? I've been a accessory-freak since I was only 5. I always wear 1 or 2 accessories where ever I go. Well, except school. He he.

Ah, what more do i have to tell? I think that pretty much it. One boring holiday, isn't it? hehehe.

I've watched Eclipse, by the way! What do you think? I think they pretty much tells everything in the movie. Eclipse is way better than New Moon. And fyi I WATCHED IT WITH MY MOM AND AUNT. Can you imagine how awkward it was? -_-"

Okay, this is Fia signing out. Will be sharing more later, I guess. :B

See ya!

The Day

(Stop with all those moody stuffs already, Fia.)

SO HAI ALL! kekeke by the way I am really hyper right now so don't blame me if i type with hyper mood ^o^

The Day Our Hearts Got Attacks

It was Friday. I forgot the date. It was the time where all students got their hopes high, wishing that their ranks increase. It was the day the heart.... beats still. (lol what am i talking)

I went to the school with Mom. God knows how hard my heart was beating. *backsong: Can you feel my heartbeat~* kekeke~

I went to the second floor and everybody was like "FIAAA CONGRATULATIONS!" and I was "Huh, what r u talking about o_o" and my friends all told me that I got 8th rank, which means that my rank increased.

And yes, I did get 8th rank. I was jumping like crazy, screaming "ALHAMDULILLAH THANKS TO YOU YA ALLAH, THANKS GUYS FOR ALL THE HELPS!!!!" hehehe sounds a little too excited, eh? :p

But really, I AM really grateful that my rank increased. I hope that I can be better in this senior year. YES, I now am a 9th Grader. :")
you can't always judge people by the way they act, the way they react to you.

you can't always feel what they feel.

you can't always bash people for their perspective.

please respect others, because they were just trying their best to make people happy.
please understand... that it's not always you that have to be noticed.
they do not want attentions, spot lights. they are just sharing what they think.