gakdeng, guenya aja yg lebay ;p kalo di liat dari title postingan gue mau nyeritain kegiatan 87 selama bulan puasa ini wkwkwwkwkwk kea gak puasa men, ngomongnya jg kea biasa aja he -.-
hmmm tadi di sekolah ada beberapa jam yang kosong dan gak ada gurunya jadi kita seneng deh hooray hooray hooray! nah di jam kosong ini pada ngomongin things hahahaha jadi yang lagi ngejaman itu di antara fitralmeradit itu kata "bajingan" gaktau kenapa pokoknya setiap kesel atau gak kompak pasti teriak "bajingan lo dit/mer/fit!!!" awhauwhauhwu -.-
you know what?! i barely talked to marsya today. uwuwuwuwuw so sad padahal mau ngomongin hal-hal unimportant ahahahahaha well i guess that means that i have to talk to her tomorrow. oh well.................................
eh maap yubh kalo akhir2 ini postingan suka rada gila atau lebay hahahaha soalnya gaktau nih lagi pengen ngetik aja -_- and i was actually thinking about making a novel or something. I'm amazed by my classmate Ines' ability and creativity to write a novel. one thing i only know that she's been writing one novel at the time. Keep writing, Ines!
hmmmm i've been drooling over Justin Bieber...not. of course im not drooling. im not like those girls who watched EVERY move of Justin Bieber -_- okay. so.. what? and oh yes i've been going over snaptu on my phone but i cant figure out why it wont work!!! i ran out of patience. just kidding, it's ramadhan anyway.
and by the way....i've lost 1 kg this first week of fasting month! hahaha im so happy.. -.-
hahahaha and by the way i've got many of "bukpus" this month. i dont mean to brag, but im afraid my mom wouldnt allow me to go to all of the events....huw
AND I REALLY WANT TO WATCH SOULNATION!!! YALLAAAAH sayangnya NeYo, Lady GaGa sama Flo Rida masih wishlist. and even Maliq and RAN is also still wishlist!!! ewewew --'
auwhauhauwhau udah ah capek ngetik tiba2 -.-