Sunday, December 28, 2008

2008- read if you are my friend : )

2008 has been a BITTER year for me, and i'll tell you about it. :)

i was doing great, but i hated the date that was marked on 10022008. But it's alright now.

i was still doing fine, there were photoshoots for our year book. I miss Arcadia :( .

try outs for our final examinations.

ujian praktek.. and it was my birthday on 26th of April. i was so happy:)
29th of April 2008, the school went to the Jungle for refreshing after our exams. I missed that day:(

19th of May 2008 i went to PIM with my friends, having fun :D
and on 30-31 of May we went to Cikopo, Puncak for the farewell party and the prom. and again, i missed that day :')

June: a sweet month
i was doing great and fine and spectacular this month.
160608; was a happy day for me. i confessed my feelings to someone and he had the same feelings too. so i was happy.
and it was the results of our final exams. sumbangsih 55 lulus semua alhamdulillah!

we went straight ahead to PIM after the results. it was shocking fun!!

August: this was it, sadness.
okay, that person was having his birthday in the middle of August. and i had my heart broken too that day. no, we were not breaking up. we only texted on his birthday and nothing else for the very next day.
and NEW FRIENDS are awesome!!

we went to Cimory for a camp. it was sort of pesantren but it was just like a camp. i had my foot a little bit hurt because somebody pushed me in the dark.
and it was fun.
and, i lost contact with my boyf for 1 month.

i lost contact with my boyf for 2 months.
and life went on.

cried my self to sleep. for losing contact with my boyf for 3 months.
i was doing pathetic.

it felt like i was just a senior in my elementary school and it's already December.
AND, losing contact with my boyf for 4 months. please if you read this, boy, how does it feels for losing contact with me for 4 months. oh. maybe you wouldnt even care reading this. but life goes on, im starting to forget you.
bye bye 2008, i wont forget you but maybe i will.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

ketika Bobby Joseph berkunjung ke Sumbangsih.

hey! ini true story locc, sumpah deh.

wakka, waktu itu ulang tahunnya Abel. terus dia ngundang sepupunya gitu kan, ternyata sepupunya itu Bobby Joseph. huakaka gue ngakak waktu liat ada Bobby Joseph di Sumbangsih. dan temen-temen gue keluar sifat noraknya yaitu ngerubungin si artis gidu. gue sama sahabat-sahabat gue sih pada ngeliatin dari tangga koridor lapangan gitu kan, wuahaha si artis kesusahan gitu. astagfirullah pada mintain tanda tangan, foto bareng gitu! ih norak abis ya temen-temen saya. maksud gue, kalo yang cewe sih udah obvious aja, tapi ini yang COWOK-COWOK juga mintain tanda tangan. padahal mereka kalo di depan kita yang sok-sok gimana giduw. waaha, kurang penting apalagi sicc nih blog. okeee babai muaaaah.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


second day of holiday-

gue gangapa-ngapain, boseeeeen! paling ol fs, msn dan fb. huaaa, bingung mau ngapain. pengen jalan tapi gaboleh sama bokap nyokap, ueh. kalopun main internet, paling buka fanfiction. and seriously, im bored with my friendster. gaada apa-apanya, males fs dan males ngebales comment. ckckck huaaa.

Saturday, December 20, 2008



ternyata semuanya pada MT yea, kenapa lo ga pada bilang aja semua? jujur. gue udah dukung lo waktu itu, tapi ternyata? gue salah apa sama lo semua? :'(
dan ternyata hampir semuanya ngomongin gue kea gitu. gue gapernah boong sama lo semua, terus sekarang? pada MT banget, gue gepercaya lagi. i need someone like gaby:'(

Friday, December 19, 2008

i wont let people hurt my bestfriend.


best friend is someone who's really important to me, because they understand me the most. and i wont let others hurt him/her.

buat sahabat gue nih yaaa:)

lo sahabat cowok gue yang paling baik sama gue, dan waktu gue denger lo dimainin sama ****, gue langsung kaget. gue gabisa nerima kenyataan (apaan sih). tapi gue emang bener kok, ternyata dia itu mainin elo. dan elo masih suka ama dia sampe sekarang? gila. dia jadian sama elo buat bikin mantannya cemburu. HELL-O? drama much banget sih ****. gue udah bilang sama elo, gue peduli sama elo. **** munafik banget, gue ganyangka yang di depan gue dia baik dan ternyata dia ngegunain elo sebagai........ tool? plis deh. freaky-much banget lo ****! dan sekarang gara-gara dia, lo jadi kea gini. sekarang lo mau tanggung jawab? dan sahabat cewek gue juga jadi sedih garagara lo! terus, sekarang lo mau ngapain lagi? ih sumpah yeaaa, najis.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


ehalo semuanya!

dari tadi gue busy bikin headband buat besok. ckckckc kacau nih! kita ga prepared sama sekali, pada takut semua. doain yaa:)

ke SD lagi dong


i went to my elementary school today for the second time in the last two days, haha.
hari ini gue ketemu Sapi, Aryo, Fifi, Aji, Naufal, Atirah, Dinda, Ghani, Andra, Maurice sama Ayu -,-

terus, yang pertama sampe duluan kan Sapi, Atirah sama Fifi, baru deh gue nyampe. Terus, galama kemudian Aryo, Aji dan Naufal dateng.

*di ruang guru*
gue (F): *ngeliat Aryo*
Aryo(A): *ngeliat Fia*
A: FIA! Akhirnya kita ketemu juga Fi! Kangen gueeee!
F: AAAAAAAAAAAAARYOOOOOOOO! ahuahua gue juga dong *sambil high five*

terus waktu ngeliat naufal diblakangnya Aryo, gue langsung........... z.
egile sumpah yeaaa, ada anak kelas 4 nyolot banget deh sumpah! dia tuh yang sok-sok gimana gitu deh.

F: Dek, anak baru ya? *sambil senyum*
Anak Baru: *cuma ngeliat gue dengan mata sok*

NYOLOT! hahaha gue tau gue kelas 7 tapi sumpah deh yea tuh anak nyolot banget.

terus, kita ke koridor deket lapangan. lalu tiba-tiba Aryo ke lantai dua, and then turun-turun bawa gitar. langsung pada nyanyi-nyanyi gitu, ah coba ada Gaby, gue kangen dengerin Gaby nyanyi Emily sama Apology...............

terus ke kantin, yang cewek-cewek pada mau makan. waktu udah selesai, gue langsung ada ide buat foto-foto sama anak cowok, and so, gue siap-siap mau ke bangsal + lapangan. eh waktu gue udah mau ke sana, yang cowok dateng, Aryo bilang gini:

A: Mau kemana Fi?
F: ke Bangsal, mau nyusul lo pada. eh lo nya udah pada kesini.
A: yaah, makan dulu dong Fi, gue laper nih.
F: daritadi kek, gue sama yang lain mau ke lapangan mau foto-foto.
A: yah gajadi deh, yaudah ayok ke lapangan.

waktu di lapangan, kita pada bingung siapa yang bakal motoin kita, terus kita minta Kayla fotoin kita deh, makasih ya cantik.

uaaa foto nya keren-keren, yang cowok pada -,- semua.
terus Maurice ama Andra dateng, yang cowok pada ngampirin Maurice... keanya sih niat mau meluk tapi jadi ngebanting maurice deh z.

Terus yang cowok pada pergi ke balik semak-semak......... mereka... you know lah... yang ada asapnya. Jujur, gue tau cerita-cerita anak smp, tapi gue gamau temen-temen gue ngerokok semua. but it's already happening now.

terus....... gue harus pulang! sedih, gue masih kangen ama semuanya!

F: gaaais, gue pulang dulu yeaaa :(
Sapi(S): hah? serius lo Fi? yaaah, gaseru dong!
Fifi (Fi): yaaah? aaah bentar lagi dong Fi pleaaseah!
F: tapi harus, nyokap gue you know laaah.
F: Yo, hape lo di Fifi eh udah di elo deh, gue pulang dulu yeaaa, Daaaaah
A: hah? lo mau pulang? yaaaaah
F: heheheh sorry, lo tau kan nyokap gue kea gimana kalo gue pulang telat.
A: Buru-buru banget sih lo Fi! :(
F: yaaah Aryo, maap deh
A: oke deh, ntar ketemuan lagi yea, janjian!
F: okeee, di PIM okeoke
F: huaaa, Dah Aryo, Fifi, Sapi, Aji, Dinda, Atirah, Maurice, Andra, Naufal, Ghani!

so, i went straight home, MASIH KANGEN TEMEN-TEMEN! i <3 Guys!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

class? whatever.

h to the e to the y. HEY!

i went to school today for decorating the class. but it was NOTHING. we didnt do anything except running like some mad people, talking about oh-my-ROBERT PATTINSON! huaaah i <3 you!

ahaha so i think that was really interesting. we cleaned the floor.............. singing abalicious* songs .
*ahaha nothing important.

and then i had to go to my elementary school for picking my lil bro and meeting my old friends, i still miss you guys<3.
there were Bella, Ijuuul, Mitha, Maurice, Lenny, Andra and ADNAN! ahuah!
i was expecting the others to come but they couldnt be there, ah i dont know lah.

i think that's all, <3 all byeeee!

Monday, December 15, 2008

home alone-


hahaha it seems that i always start the blog with a cheerful greeting yea?
at least for now im happy :)

astagfirullahallazim deh, ngurusin kelas. apalagi sama anak-anak cowoknya. gabisa diatur. jujur aja yeaa, menurut gue, gue setengah seneng setengah i-dont-care sama kelas gue yang sekarang. it's fun though but it's not like the elementary.

friendship-nya sih okeoke aja tapi...... cowok-cowoknya itu yang gabisa banget diem dan gabisa banget berhenti ngata-ngatain gue.

let me explain some;

Adam: orangnya.. well let's just say he can be very silent for sometime but he can be noisy too sometimes.

Temi: nah ini dia yang ngatain gue P-P-I-M. it all started because of him, tapi sekarang anaknya baik sih, hahahehe. kalo gue lagi baca ditanya, 'baca apa fi?' dengan senyum nyindir sok baik gitu, hahahaha peace yeaa.

Imaro: jreng jreng jreng dia adalah si jepang. yang ngikut-ngikut Temi ngatain gue PPIM. yaAllah sumpah yeaaa gue kesel bet dah.

Puti: ini dia yang namanya PUTI a.k.a BIKSUNI a.k.a China! Dia ini suka dikatain Cina atau Biksuni sama Alif. Pacarnya namanya Andhara Tr.

Almer: ini..... yang mirip sama Ian anak 7 inter 3. Dia juga ngatain gue PPIM.

Putri: dont judge a book by its cover. Why? Because, even though dia pake kerudung, anaknya bokep! ceritanya gini:
AnakAnak: Ah kalah mulu nih! Najis bet!
Putri: tau nih, ah ....tot!
AA: wah Putri, berjilbab tapi gaalim ckckckckck.

Amel: Amel ini yang ke Singapore ikut OutBound gitu deh! Pulang-pulang pake pacar *yang ditangan* yang katanya beli di Little India..........

Anggit: OMG here comes Anggit! Anggit ini anaknya baik but sometimes she can be mad and crazy! hahaha, iyea. Suaranya oh em ji.

Tiara: Tiara ini... uowuowuwouw, temen nyanyi-nya Anggit, suaranya bagus terus kalo dapet nilai jelek langsung curhat :')

Lia: ooooh Dewi Bersisik. hahaaha itu kan karena suaranya dia lagi abis terus suaranya sounds exactly like Dewi Persik. :D

Dania: Aaaaaaaaaah dia ini 'boss' nya kita! yang paling kocak, dan terpilih sebagai murid tercantik kedua di kelas kita. oyeeee!

Danur: Danuralay...... pis.

Dhana: 1 word. bokep.

Wulan: ini bebilopzquwh, dia paling kocak dan kalo ngocak bikin ngakak -,-

Dhani: ea ea pinter bet nih anak, woooooooo iri gua wooooo.

Fitra: bokep, ngatain gue PPIM juga.

Agif: item, kopi, coklat pait, jelek, jadul, tukul.

Izra: ea si izra ea ea.

Me: hahaha cengeng, jelek, PPIM, oyeaah.

Marsya: bebilopzquwh, cantik, tembem, chubby bangeeeet.

Ary: si A.P.K. yang best friendnya I.H.R.

Arum: ini cewek ganteng banget, ih ganahan deh sumpah. JAPAN LOVER!

Alif: eh si cowok yang cewek, banci ih nyebelin banget ye.

Salma: ceweknya Davi Duck. hahaha canda Sal, iya gue tau Sal, iya Davi ganteng kok Sal. (?)

Vania: uououo pecinta NJ yeakan van yea?

Ghina: sempet ada masalah ama dia, tapi sekarang sih udah biasa aja yeaaa.

Sunday, December 14, 2008



im sitting in the class right now doing nothing besides chatting and typing this blog. i was planning not to go to the school today because i thought that i'd be bored. and it happens. im bored right now, this condition is boring.

dun-dun-dun, ada Mr. Yancy Wong looh di kelas, esumpah yeaaa dengerin dia ngoceh lagi auhfgsdikjdkjfdkfjsldkfjsjldfks.
aaaaaargh suddenly i feel hungry................-,
i wanna go home early, i miss sumbangsih, i miss sumbangsihhhhhhhh, I <3>(K)

i miss you, ketemuan di sumbangsih yuk, kalo ga di PIM aja yeaaa *ea ea*

discuss about.. you'll see *-_-*

hey everyone!

i know that this one is not really important.

soooo, gue mau ngebahas tentang JB, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato dan Selena Gomez.
*teen girls start to freak out and start to scream like crazy*

ahaahaha, kan katanya JB itu role model. I do think so, tapi pada nyadar ga kalo mereka started to be keeping distance from Miley Cyrus? and now she's replaced by..................... Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez.

it all started with the 'Niley' breakup and it started with Camp Rock.

hm, they were at the TCAs 2007.
looks like they are inseparable, right?
well, there were no Demi and Selena at that time.

and then... it's the same award, the same sofa (?)
but they werent with Miley, they were with Demi and Sel.
so....... awkwaaaard.

and then.. there's one pic that makes me.... urgh.

it makes me mad and disappointed *dramatic*.
well actually it's true. i hate Kevin for wearing the 'TEAM DEMI AND SELENA' t-shirt, so that means that he's on Team D & S?
hell-oooooo people?!
and, what's with his brothers? why didnt they warn or convice Kevin not to wear the t-shirt?
hello, Miley is still alive! Dude, are you trying to........ start a fight?
well, the point is: i hate Kevin.

well yea i know 7 Things, but there's no convincing proof that it's about Nick. maybe there are some proofs example; the diabetes tag and the photo.

and i know that Miley had some 'bad' pictures of herself, but i mean, come on, she's a teenager and she's an ordinary teen!
Dem and Sel also h-a-v-e 'bad' pics.

well, i think that's all even though there's still a lot of my opinions but i think that's enough for right now.

xo, Fia!

Saturday, December 13, 2008


hello! -

i went to Plangi today with Wulan, Marsya and Puti. We were dying to watch Twilight! hahaha so finally we got to see the movie. we decided to meet at school, so I went to the school before going to Plangi. There, I picked up Marsya, Wulan and Puti. and then we went straight ahead to Plangi with my driving father, lol.

We bought the tickets as soon as we got there, and then we decided to eat before watching the movie. the movie started at 12.15 pm.
and when we were going to the cinema, i was like, 'OMG! i'm going to watch Twilight, oh-my-God!' ahaha, i know it's a little bit 'freaky-much', but who doesn't excited to watch it, right?

Soooo, the movie went on. and everytime I saw Edward, i was like, 'aaaw, he's so cute', 'he is so kind, caring and aaaah he's perfect!' hahahaha, so yea.

and when it comes to Bella and Edward dancing, I whispered to Wulan; 'Puti wants ******* to be dancing with her' and we laughed so hard probably other people heard our laughter. hahahahahha it was so funny making fun of Puti! peace)
and um.. do you know Eric on Twilight? Huahaha I said to my friends, 'it's Puti's boyfriend/relatives, because he's from the same country! awkawkawk'.

i freakin love Robert Pattinson<3

after the movie, we decided to go to the photobooth, then we went to Gramedia and............... well, we weren't really looking for books, we talked about people and how they match the titles of the book. tee-hee.
we went to starbucks *freaky much, ke starbucks aja bangga*.

aahahahaha, so that's all. love yaaa!

Friday, December 12, 2008

it's Friday.

HAHA sumpah yeaaaa B. Indonesia ama PKn adalah 2 pelajaran yang paling gue takutin. Karena............................... nilai gue di dua pelajaran itu jelek banget. Gatau kenapa, when it comes to the tests, gue takuuut. waktu PKn, gue cukup yakin sama jawaban gue. dan ternyata...... oh tidaaaaaaaaak remed!
dan ternyata, pkn ulum gue remed. uh3 gue remed. kurang anjrit apalagi sih?

when i heard that, i was like, 'huh? seriously? hellooooo, people?'

aaargh, apalagi gue masih belom bisa menerima kenyataan BAHWA SAYA REMED BAHASA INGGRIS. oke lebai, maaf yea.

astagfirullah dah, gue waktu denger langsung -_-

ding dong.

ahuehuehauhuehuhahu, apalagi kita belom punya ide yang tetap buat pameran sama bazaar kelas, ih sumpah yeaa pada stress.

pada gamau ngalah.
pada ga respect.
pada gapeduli.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

introspection day :)

i know it's my first blog here, but i've been dying to write this one, so, i hope you all don't mind. :)

today was unforgettable.

kan udah pada selesai remed nih, kita ke kelas buat class meeting tentang pameran dan bazaar kelas. sooo, we went straight ahead to our class. pertama-tamanya sih kita ngomongin tentang tema kelas, cat kelas dan bazaar. tapi, tibatiba ada yang bilang gini *gue gamau kasih tau namanya, oke?*

T: eh jujur ya semuanya, kalo ada yang sebel sama kita berempat, ngomong ajaa.

anak-anak: hah? maksudnya apaan?

gue (F: yaudah, gue sempet nganggep lo berempat arogan T, maaf yaa, tapi itu dulu.

dan blahblahblahblah kita udah pada ngaku semuanya kan, abis itu temen gue yang satu lagi bilang gini.

D: jujur aja ya, gue sebel sama lo G. lo tuh gimana ya, sombong, MT, muka dua.

F: gini ya G, gue gatau gue punya rahasia apa yang ada di elo tapi lo harusnya jangan bukabuka rahasia gue, tementemen gue dan sahabatsahabat gue.

M: iya. lo MT banget, lo ganyadar lo kea gitu?

F: contohnya, temen gue yang namanya AA, tentang dia suka sama temen kita lo buka! rahasianya si A(temen satusatusatu lagi) lo buka juga! lo pikir gue gadenger lo teriakteriak ; 'eh si ------ suka sama si ----- loh!' LO PIKIR DONG, COBA ELO YANG DIBUKA RAHASIANYA! dan lo juga pernah ngatain P kalo dia itu pe*ek, padahal kalo pagipagi kalo P dateng lo langsung meluk dia, abis itu bilang kalo dia cantik, terus lo ke gue dan * dan * bilang 'p itu jabl banget ya!' lo gaboleh kea gitu, G.

P: *langsung ngampirin gue yang nangis sambil teriakteriak ngomong itu semua*

DA: G, gue tau kok lo pernah buka hape gue dan ngebukain sms gue. lo harusnya gakea gitu dong, lo harus respect sama gue.

G: ...gue cuma mau minta maaf sama lo pada, walaupun mungkin gabakal cukup dengan kata maaf. gue nyadar, kalo gue tuh kea gitu dan gue ngerasa bersalah banget sama lo semua. jadi maafin gue ya.

abis itu, kita ngomongin tentang yang lain lagi, tapi itu privasi kelas, so im really sorry i cant tell you about this, okay? byeee fellas!